5th Nov 2004.. going to be 10th year celebration for D-Link(India) Ltd. For that we were supposed to go GOA from Bangalore. They were planning for BUS drive through KARWARA. We got an invitation from PREETHA (HR) - 'For witness of the celebration, Family allowed'. [P.S# Family means if you are married, then you have family. otherwise not]. Vidyadhar asked a nice question to the director.. "Then why interviewer expect to tell about the parents and siblings of the unmarried candidate , when he/she asked about family.. where the FAMILY stands".. He had the guts to ask because he committed his old parents to take them.. and at the end moment he got a red signal from the higher management side. At the end JV convinced him, but Vidyadhar didnt join us..
At last we reached "DONA SYLVIA".. For me the first time I reached in such a hotel. I was blanked by the decoration.. Dont feel that I am advetising.. Really it was happening to me.. I was loosing control 'how to behave'. Everything mod.. Even bathroom, why to wear the polythene cap, not understood by me.. My room-mate USA-return guided me somehow to behave a so called civilised. I was ok by evening..

It was the after effect... I (centre) can dance :).

"Think of the magic of that foot, comparatively small, upon which your whole weight rests. It's a miracle, and the dance...is a celebration of that miracle.”